Saturday, August 15, 2009


I believe the power of thought to be a wonderful ability, absolutely free and devoid of any form of dictatorship or monarchy by man or machine or even other streams of thought and perception. It is true that influence is the strongest contender that ‘thought’ has to face in its struggle for independence but if influence were to be conquered, well then thought remains pure, un tampered with and spontaneously natural.
It is exhilarating to think thoughts, to let the mind wander down any path that appeals to the modules of its core functioning. Any topic, a word or a philosophy? Or maybe a category or a species? Science or art? Chocolate or literature? Pink or gold? Autumn in Alaska or summer in Uruguay? Orion or the moon? Jewels or fruit? And it could go on till eternity for the mind is an abyss of eternity, eternal perception, never ceasing to ponder, to dream, to think, to wander… an abyss over which one has the power to control the darkness of unknown thought, to dwell in the knowledge of what has been learnt and the quench for what has not.
It is thought that proves to be an invisible saviour in the wreckage that is referred to as ‘the world’. An action that is preceded by a thought is a well thought action and hence leads to a stable consequence. The lack of thought however would awaken haste which leaves but wreckage in her wake. When influence takes hold of thought then even the best thought actions are nothing more than mistakes and wreckage is once more unavoidable.
A thoughtless mind is the epitome of a banal being, for thought is what allows us to think, to act and hence to be.


  1. Completely agree with every word you wrote

  2. wow im seeing this only now :) but thanks! a yr
